The orientation of fresh students of michael okpara university of agriculture umudike 2013/2014 academic session kicked off on the 27th day of februrary 2014.The orientation which was scheduled for 9am prompt at the Ayim Pius auditorium started at about 11am each day.prior before the commencement of the program proper, students from their various discipline were seen to be seated both inside and outside the auditorium, anxiety clearly written in all their faces as they await the arrival of the personnels in the principal offices of the great citidal of learning(MOUAU).

During the course of the event, the students were briefed on the history of the university and its transformation from Federal university of agriculture umudike(FUAU), to michael okpara university of agriculture (MOUAU). The vice chancellor Prof. Hilary Edeoga, encouraged the students to be of good character and put in their best in the course of their study. He also addressed them on the issue of accomodation, which he have seen to be the major challenges facing the students in school,both the old and new students.

While addressing them, he made mention that the new hostel just completed would cost a sum of #60,000 per bed space, and the expression on the students faces and murmurs all around made him tell them that whatever is good would cost more. However, he stated that the current old hostels would still be valued at the same old price of #10,000. The choice is now left for the students to make on which one to go for.

At the end of the orientation, students who were already exhausted from the conjestion and hotness of the air were however ''compensated'' with satchets of pure water and crackers biscuits. The principal officers were applauded by the students upon their departure, showing a sign of appreciation for making the 1st day of the orientation a success....

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