NLNG boosts engineering with $12m in 6 varsities...

The NLNG told journalists in Abuja yesterday that it took the decision as a way of encouraging and fostering quality education in Nigeria and contributing to the general advancement of the nation.
In the address by the Managing Director of the NLNG, Babs Omotowa, and according to a statement by the General Manager, External Relations, Kudo Eresia-Eke, the NLNG would spend N340 million or $2 million on each of the selected universities.

The other beneficiary universities are University of Ibadan, University of Port Harcourt, University of Maiduguri, University of Ilorin and the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
The company stated that the fund would be used to build engineering laboratories to help in elevating engineering disciplines in the universities to modern class and boost education quality.
The NLNG assured that from the time the project commenced, it would be completed within one year and handed over to the universities for use in electrical and electronic engineering.
It explained that the NLNG University Support Programme (USP) was a way of turning around the trend where no Nigerian university was rated among the world’s best 500.
The Managing Director said: “All the predictions about Nigeria’s ascent as a developed country will only come true when we also take firm steps to fix our educational system. Well-meaning stakeholders need to urgently join hands to turn around the poor quality of education in the country for the future of Nigeria to be better.
“This is why Nigeria LNG, committed to helping build a better Nigeria, is initiating the N2 billion NLNG USP initiative to help bring engineering education up to speed with the world class today.”

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