Rise National Youth Forum, MOUA,Umudike Session...coming soon!

The services of Sanguine, Media-oriented and innovative youngsters are required for in-house interviews of special guests on the RISE BLACK carpet at the forthcoming RISE NATIONAL YOUTH FORUM Umudike Session.

We desire young men and ladies who have a stint in public relations, broadcasting and entertainment and will like their talents to shine through this events. Please apply now.
Just send your name and phone number by sms to 07060545017 (sms only) or send an email to info@risenetworks.org
screening of prospective 'volunteers' is two-days prior to events date which is yet to be communicated.
Please kindly take note that only successful applicants will be contacted.
To volunteer and work with us for this Umudike Session as RISE CREW MEMBER for this event, please call 07067976667 or 07060545018.
In case the program eventually holds, always remember you all read it here first!
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